Thursday, June 9, 2011

First Full Day in Moldova

06/09/11: First Impressions of Moldova

Today, training really began. We met up around 9 and then proceeded to go from our training village to Chisinau. We had some more orientation-type talks. Afterwards we had our first language training session. I am learning Russian. I am glad. We spent today’s session learning the alphabet. Russian uses Cyrillic instead of the Roman alphabet. So far, Russian seems like it is a hard language to learn, but I think it will be useful to know after I finish my two years of Peace Corps service. It is funny that I spent all that time learning some Romanian when the language I really should have been learning was Russian. Oh well. I have been able to use the Romanian I used since my host family speaks both. Nothing else is really worth mentioning right now. Tomorrow, I have more language training.

1 comment:

  1. I am enjoying reading about your adventure so far! It's fantastic that you are learning Russian--that should serve you well past the Peace Corps, as you say. I'm not sure if you can answer questions on here, but are you divided from the Romanian-learners? Do they speak both languages in the area that you will eventually be stationed?
